Boned Jello
No Politics - No Swearing

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazing Card Trick


| Rodger the Real King of France 8/16/2010 06:17:00 PM PERMLINK I like your blouse too (2) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
OK. Very good. Now can I have my milk and cookie now?

c.umulus n.imbusi jr.
Of course not, the 2nd set of cards are not the same at all to the first set. So none of them are the same.

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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Ready when you are, C.B.!   *

Boned Jello

The Most Famous Newspaper on TV Shows  WTF?  Here's my guess why this particular paper is used in so many television series episodes.  The Hollywood studio chiefs bought 62,000 copies of the "NIXON RESIGNS" issue, and they're just all over the place.  This is inside copy from the issue. Nothing else makes sense.(Unless lawyers are somehow involved, and even then it won't make sense.)


| Rodger the Real King of France 6/05/2010 10:17:00 PM PERMLINK THE newspaper (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Boned Jello


| Rodger the Real King of France 5/27/2010 08:52:00 PM PERMLINK Campbell Kids (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Raising Arizona

Boned Jello


| Rodger the Real King of France 5/17/2010 06:01:00 PM PERMLINK precious (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


| Rodger the Real King of France 4/21/2010 10:46:00 AM PERMLINK Russian Speed Cam (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Before ...
.. we started molly-coddling and filling boys with false hope.  We won.

Boned Jello


| Rodger the Real King of France 4/16/2010 10:26:00 PM PERMLINK Nornal-Not Normal (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Saturday, February 06, 2010

 Price of a turn key 789 Chevy is $135,000.
Boned Jello
JMcD  Before JMcD mentioned it in an e-mail, I had never heard of the 789 Chevy, "a blending of the 1957 Chevrolet, 1958 Chevrolet and 1959 Chevrolet classic designs."  Had I seen this when I was a kid ...  my lust for it would have caused a near fatal case of "blue balls.¹"  Matter of fact ... .

 The 789 Chevy model is based on the 2005-2007 Corvette 6th generation chassis. The Corvette C6-R is the best sports car General Motors ever built. With the new C6 chassis as their starting point n2a Motors created a car that has the eyes, hood, front fenders and grille of the 1957 Chevy Belair, the tail fins of a 1959 Chevy and the interior and midsection suggestive of a 1958 Impala.  [More words, and more pictures]


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/06/2010 11:23:00 AM PERMLINK 789 Chevy (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Boned Jello


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/06/2010 06:34:00 AM PERMLINK Free Hot Sauce (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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 As we speak
Boned Jello
Power going on and off lickety-split.  If it goes completely, it could be days,

MoSup's plane arrived 3:11 yesterday  .. here she is walking Baxter an hour later.     I took B's advice and got help (rollover)  All trash gone when we got home.  Unfortunately, Bambi was not.  Things going downhill, but not very fast 11PM.  I mean with the snow.  MoSup and Bambi are fast friends now, talking about beastly men.


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/06/2010 05:49:00 AM PERMLINK Flickering here boss (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Friday, February 05, 2010

 Déjà vu

Boned Jello

This is a great sideshow RAK sent me, and is sure to rekindle some old memories (unless you're too young to know the lyrics to the Micky Mouse Club song).  This picture of a 1958 Plymouth Fury sure took me back to some not-too-fond mems. Got my driver's license driving the cheaper Savoy model; the family car.  It had a PowerFlite 2 speed Push Button transmission, which was way cool (at the time).  Our car was painted  Bluebonnet Blue, with an optional white top.

The very first time I drove her as a licensed driver was to pick up my sister,  and her girlfriend Leslie at the Jr. High. "Pick them up, drop Leslie off, and come right home," my mother instructed. 

There was long oval driveway approach to the school, and I could see the two of them standing there as I approached.  Making the final turn I floored the accelerator, an act similar to a Peacock showing his colors, and promptly went into a spin.  I was stopped by a curb that was just about an inch higher than the car's drive train.  In short, I had gone hard-aground. 

About a year later, just about the time I had paid for damage from that mishap, I had the family car for two hours one Saturday.  My dad limited me to 50 miles, and took beginning and ending odometer readings.  Friends from Chicago, from whence we had just moved, were visiting, and we were all headed to see Washington D.C. the next morning. I was instructed to have the tank filled with gas.

I picked up my friend Wally, and we drove to Beaver Springs swimming hole in Cockeysville.  Pulling into the lot, Wally said whoa, there's Sharon and Nancy.  I slowed, and just before coming to a stop I pressed the "R" button.  I forget what sound it made, but there was one.  And the car would not drive in reverse. OMFG!  We tried everything. 

It was here that I invoked my version of Cal Coolidge's "If you see ten
troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you."  Which meant, it'll fix itself. I pulled into the carport, hoping beyond hope (I thought my chances pretty good) that a good night's rest would cure the sumbitch.

Now, my bedroom was located on the wall next to the driveway.  The next morning my mom poked her head in to ask if I'd changed my mind about going.  I had not.  There was no way I was getting into that car.

I heard the happy chatter as they piled into Blue Beauty.  I heard four doors slam. 
Hail Mary full of grace ...  The car started right up, a good sign.  ... the Lord is with thee ...  *heard kind of a "clunk" sound* .. hallowed be thy ...*sound of engine racing*.

Oh shit! Dad started the engine, and restarted it several times.  I heard the hood being opened, some muttering ("What the Deuce?!?"), then slamming shut. Then my bedroom door flew open.

"What?  You're kidding?" 

I think that's what I said when he asked me to explain why his car would not back up.  Then I confessed.  But offered a ray of hope and sunlight.
(I am not making this up) "It still goes forward. We can push it out of the driveway, and you can go to DC, and not park where you have to back-up."   

He was very, very pissed.  Very pissed.  It was a year before I paid that off (mowing lawns).  I still hate that fkn car. What a P.O.S.

PS - I used to drag race it at the US 40 Drag-strip in York, PA.  When you lost, which I always did on the first race, they threw a bucket of water on your windshield to wash off your classification and number.  My dad would always ask on Sunday morning where I was to get "chalky stuff" all over the hood last night?   I would always answer, "I dunno."

Blue Beauty


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/05/2010 01:08:00 PM PERMLINK Blue Beauty (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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 Do I Feel Lucky, Punk?

Boned Jello
As one after another of MoSup's flights are canceled (beginning last night fer chrisake) we've been jockeying to get her home from Florida today. 

As things stand,  her current flight, scheduled to depart in 3 hours, is still good.  But flights are going into the dumper faster than a Redskin's lead with 2 minutes to play. If she doesn't get home today, it looks like it will be Monday at the earliest, maybe even Wednesday before she gets home.  Which brings me to a dilemma.  Do I start cleaning the house now?  Or roll the dice?


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/05/2010 10:06:00 AM PERMLINK Snow Decision Necessary (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Boat Launch

Not photochopped by me

Guy's first boat. Wasn't quite sure of the correct procedure for launching a boat off a ramp. Asked his buddies at the union hall.

 "Piece of cake.  Just don't let the trailer get too deep in the water when you're launching it."

Now he's wondering what they meant?  Shoot, he can barely get his trailer into the water!
Merrily swears that's how it happened, and I believe her.


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/04/2010 03:50:00 PM PERMLINK Deep Thoughts (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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 Guy Totally Loses It!
Trooper Stephen Murray is prolly retired now, and handling customer service calls at Lobster Gram.


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/04/2010 10:49:00 AM PERMLINK Did I do something wrong officer? (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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Boned Jello
Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'

They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my vodka

They are such assholes ..


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/04/2010 10:04:00 AM PERMLINK Veggies (0) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
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 What Google Tells You About Humans

Boned Jello

Clipped from  The Museum of Unintended Use, which is chock full of decorating ideas for the single  man (another unintended use).


| Rodger the Real King of France 2/04/2010 09:37:00 AM PERMLINK Unintended Use (2) | HOME


“In my day, we didn't have dogs or cats. All I had was Silver Beauty, my beloved paper clip." -- - Jennifer Hart, Arlington
Who ever said there were differences between men and women? Nope. Not obvious at all.
I remember a Time, or maybe Newsweek cover from a few years ago that proclaimed, "Boys and Girls are Different." A revelation to some I guess.
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